When you’re researching your options for cancer treatment, there’s no such thing as too much accurate information. All of us at the University of Florida Health Proton Therapy Institute encourage all patients to fully explore their cancer treatment options to find the one that’s right.
Learning more about the UF Health Proton Therapy Institute is easy. Contact us today for more information, or to find out if you’re a candidate for proton therapy.
Use the links below to learn more about treating cancer with proton therapy.
COMPPARE - Learn more about the national prostate cancer clinical trial that will compare the quality of life, side effects and cure rates for prostate cancer patients treated with proton therapy or photon therapy. The study is led by Dr. Nancy P. Mendenhall at the UF Health Proton Therapy Institute and is funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).
The International Journal of Particle Therapy - The official journal of the Particle Therapy Co-operative Group and preferred venue for disseminating the most up-to-date information on the clinical, physical, and biological research in proton, light-ion, and heavy charged-particle therapy.
The National Association for Proton Therapy - Provides a thorough overview of proton therapy from an independent, not-for-profit public source.
Pediatric Proton Consortium Registry (PPCR) - UF Health Proton Therapy Institute is part of the most comprehensive multi-institutional radiation based patient registry in existence. It was established to expedite proton outcomes research to assure access to those pediatric patients who can benefit the most from proton therapy.
OncoLink - Provides comprehensive information on cancer treatments, cancer research advances, continuing medical education, and more.
National Cancer Institute - The U.S. National Institute of Health’s cancer research page.
Particles - The newsletter of the Particle Therapy Co-operative Group.
UF Health Cancer Center - Comprehensive information on cancer research, diagnosis, therapy, control and education.
University of Florida Department of Radiation Oncology - Cancer information for UF’s staff, students and patients - as well as the public.
National Cancer Institute - Head and Neck Cancer Homepage - Cancer information from the U.S. National Institutes of Health regarding treatment, screenings, trials, prevention, and more.
Oral Cancer Facts - Facts about the treatment, diagnosis, prevention and statistics regarding Oral Cancer.
MedlinePlus Health Information from the National Library of Medicine - Health news, including information about drugs, and a comprehensive medical encyclopedia and dictionary.
UF Health Jacksonville Brain Tumor and Skull Base Center - UF Health Proton Therapy Institute collaborates with neurosurgeons within our academic health center to make sure patients receive the most effective, up-to-date treatment options.
Brain Tumor Society - The latest information for the entire brain tumor community, from newly diagnosed patients, to survivors, families and healthcare professionals.
The Sontag Foundation - Local Brain Tumor support group meeting held the 3rd Saturday of each month from 10-11:30 am at Florida State College of Jacksonville’s Deerwood Campus, 9911 Old Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville, FL. To confirm meeting time and location or for additional information, call 904.273.8755, or email kverble@sontagfoundation.org.
Recommended Reading
You Can Beat Prostate Cancer - A prostate cancer survivor and founder of an international prostate cancer support group describes how he researched treatment options, evaluated the pros and cons of each and decided on proton therapy.
Protons versus Prostate Cancer Exposed - A first-person account of being treated for prostate cancer at the UF Health Proton Therapy Institute.
Faith and Proton Therapy vs. Prostate Cancer by J.P. Morgan, D. Min. - A first-person account of a former prostate cancer patient treated at the UF Health Proton Therapy Institute.
Don’t Fear the Big Dogs - A former Proton Therapy patient and prostate cancer survivor tells his story.